Colorful Trees in the fall down Williams Street in Bellefontaine Ohio

The City of Bellefontaine Shade Tree Commission was established in 1975, under City Ordinance 907.02. The Commission is a group of community volunteers, leaders and concerned citizens that care about their urban and community forest. This group has management plan  to maintain the healthy resource of trees in the community, and works closely with other city officials, departments and key stakeholders to implement the elements of this plan. In addition, the Shade Tree Commission works with the Division of Forestry and Regional Urban Foresters to manage the City's trees. The Shade Tree Commission meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 4:00 PM at the Bellefontaine City Building in the Council Chambers.

Shade Tree Commission Board Members

Chairperson Deb Baker

Joanne Ritter

Cathy Dinovo

Jared Dowdy

Joe Antram

Kelli Bader

Sherry Wilkins

Karen Brady

Judy Lunz

Linda Knight

Robyn Wunderle

Kris Myers

SSD Wes Dodds