Kentucky Coffeetree

Gymnocladus dioicus

Kentucky Coffeetree Fruit, Leaves, Bark and Tree

The Kentucky Coffeetree is easily recognized by its massive bipinnately compound leaves in the summer and by its bold outline in the winter. It can be found throughout Ohio but is primarily located in the alkaline soils of the western half of the state. As a member of the bean family, Kentucky Coffeetree is related to redbud, Honeylocust, black locust, and wisteria. Kentucky Coffeetree prefers deep, moist, alkaline soils, but thrives almost anywhere it is planted, except for permanently wet soils. it is very tolerant to many stresses, including heat, drought, poor soils, compacted soils, high pH soils, occasional brief flooding, and air pollution. Its geographic range has been extended to the extensive planting of this species in parks along the east coast.

LEAF: Alternate, bipinnately compounded, 12-36 inches long, and composed of alternately arranged leaflets up to 3 inches long.

TWIGS AND BUDS: Twigs are stout, brown, with a thick salmon-colored pith. Large, heart-shaped leaf scars have one or two small lateral buds that barely visible above the leaf scars. The terminal bud is absent.

FRUIT OR SEED: A flat thickened pod, 3-8 inches long and reddish-brown in color, contains six or more dark brown lima bean-sized seeds imbedded in a sticky pulp, and ripen in late summer.

BARK: Bark is gray, deeply furrowed into narrow scaly ridges. Salmon color on the underside of plates that curl from the side.

MATURE HEIGHT: 70-80 feet.

Eastern White Pine

Pinus strobus

Eastern White Pine tree bark, branches, tree, and pine needles

This enormous, long-lived evergreen is widely planted throughout the state, although it is native only to northeast Ohio. The native conifer is logged for production of lumber and paper pulp. the eastern white pine is also planted and sold as a but Christmas tree. White pines provide thermal cover for wildlife during winter, nesting sites for birds, and seeds for squirrels and birds. This tree prefers acidic, moist, well-drained soils and full sun, often intolerant of alkaline and poorly drained soils. As a result, the eastern white pine is susceptible to mage in urban settings and suffers from white pine lister rust as well as attacks from white pine weevils. This tree is susceptible to pine bark adelgid, particularly in overly dense plantations.

LEAF: Soft, thin blue-green needles 3-5 inches long occur in unique bundles of five. Needles remain on trees from 18 months, then turn yellow and drop in autumn.

TWIGS AND BUDS: Horizontal branching, thin, breakable brown-green twigs. Branches in whorls with each whorl representing a different year of growth.

FLOWER: Cylindrical yell male flowers near branch tips fertilize light green females at ends of branches.

FRUIT OR SEED: 6-inch elongated cones are fully mature by summer.

BARK: Gray-green, smooth when young, then develops dark gray or brown ridges and furrows.

SHAPE: Irregular, pyramidal crown.

MATURE HEIGHT: 80-120 feet.


Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo tree leaves, fruit and bark

The Ginkgo is the sole surviving species from an ancient family of trees that flourished millions of years ago. Becuase the surviving trees were cultivated only in ancient temple gardens in China, the species remained unknown to the science community until the late 1700's. Only the male trees are sold and planted since the female trees produce butyric acid, which makes the fruit smell foul. Ginkgo fruit has been highly prized by some people for medicinal properties. Its leaves are often in two lobes, hence the species name biloba. Also called Maidenhair-tree because the unique fan-shaped leaves resemble the fronds of the Maidenhair Fern plant.

FAMILY: Ginkgo (Ginkgoaceae)

HEIGHT: 40-60 feet.


ORIGIN/AGE: Non-native, introduced from eastern China; 100-150 years

HABITAT: Well-drained soils.


TREE: Pyramid shape, single straight trunk and narrow tapering crown.

LEAF: Simple, fan-shaped, 1-3 inches wide, alternately attached, 1 or more notches along margin, shallow irregular teeth, no midrib, veins straight and parallel (sometimes forked).

BARK: Gray, irregularly rough with many furrows.


Gleditsia triacanthos

Honeylocust tree leaves, fruit and bark.

This native tree is distributed throughout the state, commonly found along fencerows, in open fields, and along streams or river floodplains. Also known as thorny-locust, this long-lived tree is commonly planted as a shade tree (thornless variety) prized for its urban tolerance, filtered shade, and fast growth. Honeylocust is named for the sweet, honey-like substance found in its pods. Flowers are good for pollinators. It can adapt to a wide range of soil types, soil pHs, and moisture levels and is tolerant to many environmental stresses. Several major pests and pathogens such as trunk and root canker, webworms, mites, galls, and borers can cause significant problems to honeylocust, especially when many trees are planted in close proximity to one another, weakening trees after successive years of repeated infestation. Mixed plantings of diverse tree species discourage the rapid spreading of such problems.

LEAF: About 7-10 inches long, pinnately compound and often bipinnately compound. Leaflets up to 1½ inches long are oval, shiny dark green above and dull yellow-green below. Bipinnate leaves have four to seven pairs of pinnae, each with as many as 28 leaflets.

TWIGS AND BUDS: Twigs are slender, zigzag, and shiny, greenish-brown to reddish-brown in color, often covered with 2-4 inch branched thorns.

FRUIT OR SEED: Fruit is a flat brown seed pod resembling twisted leather straps, 7–15 inches long, sometimes reaching up to 18 inches in length. Both the pods and the large seeds are consumed by wildlife such as rabbits, deer, squirrels, and birds.

BARK: Dark brown or gray, divided into flat narrow plates. Long thorns can be found on the trunk.

SHAPE: Proportional spread to height.

MATURE HEIGHT: 50-70 feet.

Ohio Buckeye

Aesculus glabra

Ohio Buckeye tree flower, leaves and fruit

The official state tree of Ohio, the Ohio buckeye’s name comes from the appearance of its seed, which resembles the eye of a buck deer. The bitter seeds are poisonous to humans if consumed in large quantities, but not to wildlife including squirrels and deer. This deciduous native tree is found primarily as a smaller understory tree in western Ohio but is scattered throughout eastern portions of the state, reaching up to 60 feet in height in the open. The Ohio buckeye prefers moist, well-drained soils of variable pH in partially sunny to partially shaded conditions. Its light, soft wood was historically used for pulpwood, woodenware, and the production of artificial limbs.

LEAF: Opposite, 4-6 inches wide, palmately compound with five long, narrow leaflets attached at a common point. They are very prone to scorching, discoloration, and leaf diseases, often resulting in a brown, fall-like appearance to the canopy in summer if they are not nearly defoliated. This tree is one of the first to leaf out in spring and one of the first to lose its leaves in the fall.

TWIGS AND BUDS: Dormant buds can resemble those of yellow buckeye, but up close they feature overlapping scales that resemble the keel of a boat. Large terminal buds are a good identifier of this tree. Twigs are stout and odorous when scratched; end branches typically curve upwards.

FLOWER: Showy, yellow-green flowers that emerge in early spring in short clusters with long, extending stamens.

FRUIT OR SEED: Spiny or warty fruit capsules usually contain one to three dark-brown, shiny nut-like seeds that each feature a characteristic pale basal scar or eye.

BARK: Variable, but broken into subtle flaky ridges, fissures, and long, warty plates with age. Light gray to light brown in color, without the rectangular platy appearance of yellow buckeye.

MATURE HEIGHT: 40-60 feet.

Austrain Pine

Pinus Nigra

Austrain Pine tree needles, tree, and bark

This hardy pine is native to Europe, including Austria for which it is named, and was extensively planted in the Midwest since its introduction in the late 1700's. Austria pine is known for its bold texture, fullness of foliage, and dark-green needles. Unfortunately, Austrain pine is prone to a number of insect and disease issues, including diplodia tip blight, a disease which initially infests trees over several years. This disease can wreak havoc in mass plantings as it spreads from single infection to surrounding trees.

LEAF: Dark green needles occurring in two per bundle, usually 6 inches in length, stiff, thick, and will not break when bent; lasting four to eight years on stout twigs and branchlets.

TWIGS & BUDS: Twigs are stout, brown to gray in color with large white, oval-shaped terminal bud.

FRUIT OR SEED: Brown cones are oval shaped, 3 inches long and have small prickles on the back of the scales.

BARK: Immature bark is covered by a thick lower canopy of evergreen branches. Once the sunlight hits the bark of the mature trees it takes on a checkered appearance. Furrows are darker brown to black and broad flattened ridges range from light gray to light brown to chalky white.

SHAPE: Spreading and open, usually flat-topped.

MATURE HEIGHT: 50-70 feet.

Siberian Elm

Ulmus pumila

Siberian Elm tree leaves and flowers

This deciduous tree is native to eastern Asia and has been planted extensively since being introduced to the U.S. in the 1860's in urban areas as windbreaks. It is known for its hardiness, fast growth, and ability to grow in various moisture conditions. Unfortunately, Siberian elm can be invasive and spread rapidly. Siberian elm is extreme drought and cold resistant, growing well in poor sites where other trees cannot. It forms dense thickets that close open areas and displace native vegetation, reducing forage for wildlife and livestock. Though Siberian elm is still sold commercially, it should not be planted because it is invasive.

LEAF: Alternate, simple, elliptical to ovate in shape, measuring up to 2 1/2 inches long with singly serrated margins and nearly equilateral base. Dark green and smooth above with paler green undersides.

TWIGS & BUDS: Slender, zigzag, silvery gray-ish-green in color. Small buds are reddish-gray in color.

FRUIT OR SEEDS: This, nearly rounded wafer-like winged fruit that is notched at top, initially pale green later turning light brown when ripe in spring. The wings on the fruit aid in seed dispersal by wind.

BARK: Irregularly furrowed, ridged, light grayish brown, often streaked with lighter stains caused by slime flus (a bacterial disease also called wet wood).

SHAPE: Round.

MATURE HEIGHT: 50-70 feet.

Black Walnut

Juglans Nigra

Black Walnut Tree Fruit, Flowers and bark

A large deciduous tree found throughout the state, black walnuts are arguably Ohio’s most valuable hardwood tree. Its fine-grained, chocolate-brown, relatively lightweight wood is the ultimate choice for making solid wood furniture, interior trim, gunstocks, and high-quality veneer. The large nut contained beneath the husks of black walnut is enjoyed by humans as well as woodpeckers, foxes, and squirrels. This native tree prefers deep, moist, rich soils under sunny conditions and is deeply rooted, making transplanting difficult. Aside from leaf spot, black walnuts are virtually disease and pest-free. Black walnut produces a chemical toxic to some plants and can poison nearby competition.

LEAF: Leaves alternate, pinnately compound, and range from 12-24 inches long with 11-23 sharply oval, toothed, long-pointed leaflets. The terminal leaflet at the end of the long leaf is frequently long or absent and the leaves have a strong, distinct odor when rubbed or bruised.

TWIGS AND BUDS: Twigs are stout and orange-brown to dark brown with a chambered pith and prominent terminal buds. Buds are gray and downy and leaf scars are large and hairless.

FRUIT OR SEED: Globular inner kernels or nuts are surrounded by a hard, round shell composed of two fused halves. The shell and fruit are surrounded by a thick outer husk that is yellow-green when immature and yellow-black when ripe. The dark-colored dye can seep from ripe fruits and easily stain skin and clothing.

BARK: Bark color ranges from brown-gray to gray-black, with a chocolate brown color underneath when scraped, flaky when young but ridged and furrowed with age. Narrow bark ridges form an interlacing diamondback pattern and develop thick, warty plates.

SHAPE: Upright rounded

MATURE HEIGHT: 60-85 feet.

Crab Apple

Malus spp.

Crab Apple Tree leave, fruit, flowers, bark and tree

Many species of cultivated Crab Apple can be found throughout the state. Others have escaped cultivation and now grow in the wild. Introduced to the U.S. in colonial times. Has since bred with native species, producing hybrids that are hard to identify. Now found throughout the country. Apples are closely related to those sold in grocery stores and have been used in jams and jellies. Cider is often made from the more tart apples. Fruit is an important food source for wildlife. Twigs often have long stout thorns, which are actually modified branches known as spur branches.

LEAF: Simple, oval, 2-3 inches in length , alternately attached, sometimes with shallow lobes, double-toothed margin, dark green above, lighter-colored and usually smooth or hairless below.

TWIGS & BUDS: 5- petaled white-to-pink or red flowers that is often very showy, 1-2 inches wide.

FRUITS OR SEED: Apple, ranging in color from green and yellow to red, edible, 1-3 inches in diameter, single or in small clusters, hanging from a long fruit stalk well into winter.

BARK: Gray, many scales, with 1-2 inch long stout thorns often on twigs.

SHAPE: Single crooked truck, broad open crown.

MATURE HEIGHT: 10-20 feet.

Norway Maple

Acer platanoides

Norway Maple Tree fruit, twig, leaf and bark

Most commonly seen along streets an din parks, has spread to wild environments and is doing well. Considered to be one of the most disease- and insect-resistant species of maple and potential pest species that could outperform the widely prevalent native maples. While leaves are similar to those of Sugar Maple, several Norway Maples varieties have red or purple leaves. Leaves, buds and twigs exude a milky sap when cut. Winged seeds are more widely spread than those of Sugar Maple or Silver Maple. Common name implies it was introduced in Norway.

LEAF: Lobed, 5-7 inches in length, oppositely attached, 5-7 lobes, shallow notches and a wavy margin, exudes milky sap when cut, shiny dark green above, light green below.

TWIGS & BUDS: Large green flower, 1/2 - 3/4 inches wide, on a 1-2 inch long green stalk.

FRUIT OR SEED: Pair of widely spread winged seeds (samara), 1-2 inches long.

BARK: Dark gray in color with many narrow furrows and interlocking ridges.

SHAPE: Single straight trunk, dense round crown.

MATURE HEIGHT: 40-60 feet.

Japanese Tree Lilac

Syringa reticulata subsp. reticulata

Japanese Tree Lilac leaves, buds, flowers and bark

It is a deciduous small tree with a trunk up 12 inches in diameter. It is the largest species of lilac, and the only one that regularly makes a small tree rather than a shrub. The leaves are elliptic-acute, with an entire margin, and a roughish texture with slightly impressed veins. The flowers are white or creamy-white, the corolla with a tubular base 4-6mm long and a four-lobed apex 3-6 mm long and 1-9 inches broad in early summer. The fruit is a dry, smooth, brown capsule, splitting in two to release the two winged seeds.

LEAF: Dark green simple leaves in pairs (opposite) on stems that are ovate with a rounded base. Leaves fall in autumn with little color change (yellow green).

TWIGS & BUDS: Small, creamy white, fragrant flowers and held in large clusters 6-12 inches high. Blooms slightly later than the shrub lilacs.

FRUIT OR SEED: The fruit is dry capsules, usually in large enough quantities that they add some interest to the late summer landscape.

BARK: Reddish-brown, cherry- like bark with elongated lenticels.

SHAPE: Oval, pyramidal, round.

MATURE HEIGHT:15-40 feet.

White Oak

Quercus alba

White Oak Tree buds, nuts/fruit and bark

This large native tree is one of the most important hardwoods found in Ohio and features some of the best fall colors among oaks. Its strong, waterproof wood is used for lumber, railroad ties, flooring, and furniture. White oak wood is also favored for barrel production. White oak acorns are a popular food source for wildlife and are eaten, stored, and gathered by rodents, birds, and deer. Found in a range of habitats across the state, the white oak prefers full sunlight and deep, well-drained, acidic
to neutral soil.

LEAF: Alternate, slightly obovate, 5-9 inches long. Leaf shape is highly variable but often narrows at the base to create a wedge shape at the stem and consists of seven to nine finger-like rounded lobes. Lobes differ greatly in their width and length.

TWIGS AND BUDS: Buds are small and rounded, with a cluster of relatively large terminal buds.

FRUIT OR SEED: Acorns are about 1 inch long, chestnut-brown, and enclosed at the end in a bowl-shaped, warty-scaled cup with a stalk.

BARK: Highly variable bark may be ridged, deeply furrowed, have small vertically aligned blocks or scales, and is light gray in color.

SHAPE: Spreading

MATURE HEIGHT: 70-100 feet.

Littleleaf Linden

Tilia cordata

Littleleaf Linden Tree leaves, leaves in autumn, bark and whole tree

Native to Europe, the Littleleaf Linden is popular as a street tree in many countries. The name Littleleaf has misled some into thinking the tree is small, but it is not. The bark is gray brown, and becomes furrowed with age. A fine shade tree for street, parking lots, and spacious lawns. More tolerant of heat and compacted soil that T. Americana. Adapts well to above-ground planters and other stressful conditions. Despite susceptibility to various insects and diseases, control measures are seldom needed. Defoliation by Japanese beetles, caterpillars, or linden looper is common. Aphids exude a sticky fluid. Other insect damage is cause by mites, scales, and the walnut lacebug. Susceptible to cankers and mildew. Bark splits after sunscald may be caused by understock that lacks vigor. Grows best on deep f, fertile soils, but broadly adaptable to pH, compaction, and full sun in partial shade. Somewhat sensitive to drought and salt.

LEAF: 1 1/2-3 inch, heart shaped, dark shiny green; in fall yellow-green or yellow.

TWIGS & BUDS: Yellowish, pendulous clusters, very fragrant and attractive to bees.

FRUIT OR SEED: Globose nutlets with bracts.

BARK: Gray-brown. Smooth on young trunks an ages to a ridged and furrowed appearance.

SHAPE: Conical in youth, changing to ovate, dense branching, medium texture.

MATURE HEIGHT: 60-80 feet.