Traffic Crash Report


Police Records, all other copies


Media Records (Body Cam, Cruiser Cam, Photos)

$5.00/ USB

$100/hour OR $1.66/minute of download data.

Requesting party is responsible for reimbursement to the Bellefontaine Police Department related to any additional costs associated with other types of data storage devices such as an external hard drive for large data requests storage devices with requested media will not be made available until replacement costs for media and costs for downloaded hours are received.

In accordance with ORC 149.45B5:

A public office or person responsible for public records may ask a requester to make the request in writing, may ask for the requester's identity, and may inquire about the intended use of the information requested, but may do so only after disclosing to the requester that a written request is not mandatory and that the requester may decline to reveal the requester's identity or the intended use and when a written request or disclosure of the identity or intended use would benefit the requester by enhancing the ability of public office or person responsible for public records to identify, locate, or deliver the pubic records sought by the requester.