Water Superintendent:
917 S. Main St.
Bellefontaine, OH 43311
Monday - Friday, 7AM - 4PM
Who Do I Call FAQ's
Water Leaks – Low Pressure – Discolored Water:
The homeowner is responsible for the water line from the curb box to the house as well as anything inside the house. The city of Bellefontaine is responsible for water leaks from the curb box to the water main and all of the water mains. Please call the water department to report any leaks at (937) 593-6121.
After Hour Emergencies:
Normal hours for the water department are Monday thru Friday 7:00 am – 4:00 pm. After these hours or on weekends or holidays, please contact the Bellefontaine police department For assistance at (937) 599–1010.
Billing Issues:
All questions regarding billing , to schedule turn on / turn off and service work should be directed to the Utility office at (937) 592–3561.
“Only” city personnel can operate curb stops, main valves, fire hydrants and enter meter pits unless permission has been given by the water superintendent. Anyone that sees a contractor or anyone other than city personnel doing so should contact the water department at (937) 593-6121 or the police department at (937) 599–1010.